Welcome to my profile!
I mostly work with documentation: Hugo, Doxygen, Docbook.
I'm a hare pretending I'm a human pretending I know C++ and CMake.
My git forges are:
- KDE Invent (work forge)
- Codeberg (casual forge)
- Github (original forge)
My socials are:
My history with KDE:
- User support since 2018
- Wikis since 2018
- r/kde moderator 2018-2023
- Translation Brazilian Portuguese 2019-2020
- Bug triaging 2020
- Websites
- Development
- Documentation
Cool things I've worked on:
- Akademy 2023 talk: Documentation goals and techniques for KDE and open source
- Maintaining the KDE Developer Platform:
- Wikis Jekyll tutorial
- Wikis General/Plasma/KWin/Baloo debugging
- Wikis Continuous Integration System
- Porting KTimeTracker to Qt6
- Some KRunner web shortcuts
- Promoting KDE at Latinoware
- Moderating KDE Brasil on Telegram
Personal projects
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Pronounced as: tʃiˈa.ɡu su'e.tu
Pronouns: He/him
I'm a furry, former translator of academic articles, and current KDE contractor who is interested in linguistics, translation, social psychology, ergonomics, games and linux. Also known by the fursona/alias Herzenschein.
Technical Writer
4:39 PM
Member since December 08, 2019