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Minor: Fix arg name for qt-install-dir

Fix error when passing the flag as a CLI option (I don't know if the option actually DO anything, but at least it doesn't crash anymore).

./kde-builder --qt-install-dir=~/kde/qt                 
Encountered an error in the execution of the script.                                    
--> 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'qtdir'                                         
Please submit a bug against kdesrc-build on                       
Traceback (most recent call last):                                                      
  File "/kde-builder/./kde-builder", line 59, in <module>                               
    app = Application(sys.argv[1:])  # the 0 element is script name                     
  File "/kde-builder/ksblib/", line 73, in __init__                       
    workLoad = self.generateModuleList(options)                                         
  File "/kde-builder/ksblib/", line 210, in generateModuleList            
    opts = c.readCommandLineOptionsAndSelectors(argv)                                   
  File "/kde-builder/ksblib/", line 474, in readCommandLineOptionsAndSelectors
    foundOptions["qt-install-dir"] = args.qtdir[0]                                      
AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'qtdir'                             

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