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  • Oliver Kellogg's avatar
    Small fixes for IDLImport: · 129ebb73
    Oliver Kellogg authored
    - In function createGeneralization(UMLClassifier*, UMLClassifier*), if
      child->umlPackage() is non null then
      - set UMLPackage of assoc to child->umlPackage();
      - add association at child instead of at Logical View.
    - In function skipStructure remove call to skipStmt().
      Reason: This is done by NativeImportBase::parseFile().
    - In function parseStmt handling of alias-typedef of non template type
      flesh out conveying of the existing type:
      - If oldType is found by m_doc->findUMLObject then use the returned
        UMLObject instead of creating a new one;
      - Create generalization from new classifier to existing classifier.
        Note that in case of alias-typedef of datatypes this does not show
        up yet in diagrams etc. because associations are not saved in class
        UMLDatatype. This is a TODO for future change.
             return true;
    - In function parseStmt handling of valuetype set the stereotype
      "idlValue" on m_klass.