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  • Oliver Kellogg's avatar
    Followup to commit c0d58b3b for loading UML2/XMI2 files · 3ded4560
    Oliver Kellogg authored
    umbrello/object_factory.cpp function makeObjectFromXMI() :
    - Map UML2 PrimitiveType to UMLClassifier with base type ot_Datatype.
    umbrello/attribute.cpp function load() :
    - Replace direct accesses to QDomElement::attribute("") by
    - If no attribute is found in tempElement then check for attribute
      "href". If href is found then look for a hashmark (#) in its value. If
      found then extract the substring following the hashmark and seek this
      name in the Datatypes folder. If found then set m_pSecondary to the
      datatype object found; else create a new datatype with this name, and
      set m_pSecondary to the new datatype object.