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  • Oliver Kellogg's avatar
    Fix crash reported in · 7d3eb053
    Oliver Kellogg authored
    related to multiple calls of m_source.unicode() where the calls return
    different address values.
    The solution is to call m_source.unicode() only once:
    - In class Lexer add private member m_src of type const QChar*.
    - In function Lexer::setSource,
      - assign m_source.unicode() to m_src;
      - if m_source.isEmpty() returns true then return without calling
    - In function Lexer::reset initialize m_src to null pointer.
    - In function Lexer::offset return m_src + offset.
    - In function Lexer::getOffset use m_src in lieu of src.
      This avoids the second call to m_source.unicode() which on newer Qt5
      versions may return a different buffer.
    CCBUG: 338649