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  • Oliver Kellogg's avatar
    umbrello/petaltree2uml.{h,cpp} · 8a1e776b
    Oliver Kellogg authored
    - Merge function importLogicalPresentations() into importView().
      To this end, add following arguments to importView():
      QString firstNodeName : Name of first node in the root category
                              is checked to be equal to this name.
      QString presentationsName : Name of attribute containing diagrams
                              is checked to be equal to this name.
    - In function clean() remove from start of `str' not only "Logical View::"
      but all scope prefixes. This mitigates oversizing of UseCaseView ellipse.
    - In function handleAssocView() avoid dereferencing roleview_list when NULL.
    - In function umbrellify(),
      - Handle component package "SubSystem" alongside "Class_Category".
      - At objType "Class" implement stereotype "CORBAInterface".
      - Add handling of "module" aka "Component".
      - At objType "Association" fix null-pointer test of `roles'.
      - Handle "Module_Diagram" and "Process_Diagram" alongside "ClassDiagram"
        and "UseCaseDiagram".
      - Handle "ModView" and "SubSysView" alongside "CategoryView", "ClassView",
        and "UseCaseView".