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  • Oliver Kellogg's avatar
    umbrello/petaltree2uml.cpp · f1e73f10
    Oliver Kellogg authored
    - The Rose diagram coordinate system is roughly twice the scale of Qt.
      I.e. when going from Rose diagram-object location/width/height to Qt,
      we need to shrink everything.
      New constant Rose2Qt lets use configure the exact factor.
    - In function fetchLocation(),
      - add missing "return" at case !ok;
      - multiply `x' and `y' by Rose2Qt on constructing QPointF() return value.
    - In function fetchDouble(), multiply value by Rose2Qt on returning.
    - In function umbrellify(), declare `width' and `height' before start of
      for-loop over `atts'. Reason: Rose diagram locations denote the object
      CENTER thus on seeing a "location",
      - for X we must subtract width/2
      - for Y we must subtract height/2