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  • Josh Soref's avatar
    Spelling · 7a9553df
    Josh Soref authored and Dmitry Kazakov's avatar Dmitry Kazakov committed
    * _ko_lcms_colorprofile_h
    * a clone
    * a connection
    * a shortcut
    * a simple
    * abouttohide
    * above
    * absolute
    * abstract
    * acceleration
    * achieve
    * action collection
    * actioninfo
    * actionlist
    * actions
    * active
    * actual
    * actually
    * acyclic
    * additional
    * adjusted
    * adjustment
    * adjustment layer
    * after
    * aggressiveness
    * aliased
    * alpha
    * already
    * also
    * alt
    * an
    * animation
    * another
    * appears
    * application
    * apply-ootf
    * approximate
    * array
    * artifacts
    * artificial
    * as-new
    * assignment
    * assistant
    * assistants
    * associated
    * assume
    * async
    * asynchronous
    * asynchronously
    * atleast
    * attached
    * attribute
    * automatically
    * availability
    * awareness
    * background
    * based
    * batch run
    * batchmode
    * because
    * been
    * beggars
    * behavior of
    * benchmark
    * between
    * bidimensional
    * blocked
    * blocks
    * bonafide
    * bottom
    * bottom node
    * bounding
    * brush
    * buffer
    * buildup
    * by the
    * byte count
    * byte order
    * cadmium
    * calculate
    * calculates
    * calculation
    * canvas
    * canvas base
    * cartesian
    * case
    * categories
    * centralized
    * changed
    * changes
    * channel
    * cheek
    * children's
    * chosen
    * chromaticities
    * class
    * cleanup
    * clearance
    * coefficients
    * coincides
    * collapsed
    * collision
    * color
    * colors
    * colorspace
    * colorspaces
    * columns
    * comboboxes
    * coming
    * committed
    * compass
    * compatibility
    * competition
    * compiling
    * components
    * composite
    * compositing
    * composition
    * compressed
    * compressing
    * compressor
    * concurrent
    * configuration
    * conflicting
    * consolidating
    * constructor
    * container
    * contrast
    * control points
    * convenience
    * conversion
    * convert
    * coordinate
    * copyright
    * correction
    * could
    * courtesy
    * crawling
    * create
    * criteria
    * cryptic
    * current layer
    * curves
    * cut/copy-able
    * cutoff
    * database
    * datamanager
    * datetime
    * decorations
    * default
    * default parameters
    * defined
    * delay
    * delegate
    * delimiters
    * delinearize
    * deoverlapping
    * depletion
    * depth
    * derived
    * descendant
    * descendants
    * description
    * destructible
    * destruction
    * determines the
    * device
    * dirty
    * disconnect
    * discrete
    * distance
    * distinct
    * distortion
    * distribution
    * divisible
    * dlg_embed_tags_h
    * doctype
    * document
    * does
    * dolphin
    * down
    * drawing
    * drying
    * dummy tool
    * duration
    * during
    * each other
    * edge
    * editability
    * editable
    * editor
    * elegant
    * elevation
    * emit
    * emitsignal
    * emitted
    * emitting
    * empty
    * encompass
    * endianness
    * engine
    * equation
    * exactbounds
    * exceeds
    * exclude
    * executes
    * exhaustive
    * existence
    * existing
    * expansion
    * exphere
    * explicitly
    * extra
    * extrema
    * filthy
    * finalizing
    * following
    * for
    * forcefully
    * forces
    * forcing
    * format
    * formula
    * frame rates
    * freeing
    * frequent
    * friend
    * from
    * function
    * function activates
    * generation
    * github
    * gitlab
    * given
    * givenangle
    * givenname
    * global
    * godette
    * gradient
    * graph
    * grayed
    * grayscale
    * hand code
    * handler
    * handles
    * handles are
    * handy
    * happened
    * has
    * have
    * held
    * hex value
    * hidepopups
    * highlighted
    * highlighter
    * horizontal
    * how
    * how many
    * icc color
    * identifier
    * identifying
    * image
    * image buffer
    * image collection
    * implement
    * implementation
    * implemented
    * implementers
    * improbable
    * in between
    * inadvertently
    * inch
    * increasing
    * indices
    * individually
    * infinitely
    * infinity
    * information
    * informative
    * inheriting
    * initial
    * initialization
    * initialize
    * initialized
    * initializing
    * inner
    * insensitive
    * installation
    * intended
    * intent
    * interaction
    * interface
    * interlace_type
    * interpolation
    * intersect
    * intersection
    * interstroke
    * into
    * introspection
    * invalid
    * invalidates
    * invincible
    * is expected
    * is not
    * is that
    * it
    * iterative
    * iteratively
    * iterator
    * iterators
    * its
    * keyframe
    * kis_tonecurvewidget_h
    * kis_tool_invocation_action_h
    * kisautosaverecoverydialog_h
    * kisicontooltip_h
    * kisopenpane_h
    * kisresource
    * kisresourcetaggingmanager_h%
    * kisshortcutseditor_p
    * kissliderspinbox_h
    * kissqueezedcombobox_h
    * kistagchooserwidget_h
    * kistagfilterwidget_h
    * kistagtoolbutton_h
    * kiswraparoundaxis_h
    * ko gmbh
    * kodialog_p_h
    * kogmbh
    * kopathtoolselection_h
    * kosvgsymbolcollectionresource
    * kotoolbase_h
    * krita
    * kstandardaction_h
    * lab values
    * label
    * laid out
    * languages
    * layer
    * layout
    * library
    * limits
    * line art
    * linear
    * lineedit
    * location
    * magenta
    * maintain
    * manual
    * manually
    * mapped
    * marker
    * matrix
    * matroska
    * memento
    * memory
    * mergeable
    * might
    * mime database
    * mind blowing
    * minimum
    * mirror
    * missing
    * mmapped
    * modifiers
    * monthly
    * mounted
    * multiple
    * multiplies
    * multiply
    * multiprops
    * multithreaded
    * multitransparencymaskcheck_h
    * mutable
    * necessary
    * needrect
    * neither
    * ninety
    * node group
    * nonexistent
    * noticeable
    * notification
    * notify
    * nth
    * number of array columns
    * objectname
    * oblidge [?]
    * occupied
    * of the
    * ofdecimals
    * offset
    * on top
    * one
    * onion
    * only
    * opacity
    * opacity (sic)
    * open
    * opposition
    * optimization
    * option widget
    * options
    * orientation
    * origin
    * orthogonal
    * osascript
    * otherwise
    * output
    * over
    * overlapped
    * overridden
    * ownership
    * package
    * paint
    * painted
    * painter
    * painting
    * palettegen
    * paletteuse
    * palletize
    * parametric
    * paraphernalia
    * passed
    * paste
    * percentage
    * perfect
    * performance
    * period
    * physical
    * piecewise
    * pixel
    * pixels
    * planar
    * playback
    * plugins
    * pointing
    * points
    * polygon
    * position
    * postponed
    * preferable
    * preferably
    * premultiplied
    * prepare
    * prequantized
    * presets
    * pretend
    * prewitt
    * probably
    * process
    * processes
    * profiles
    * programmatically
    * progress
    * proofing
    * property
    * proportional
    * provided
    * provides
    * puts
    * queried
    * queue
    * qvariant
    * radius
    * raspberry
    * read
    * reasons
    * recalculate
    * receiving
    * recommended
    * rectangle
    * rectangle intersection
    * rectangles
    * redundant
    * reentrant
    * reinstate
    * relevant
    * rendered
    * representing
    * request
    * requested
    * requests
    * reserved
    * residual
    * resized
    * resolution
    * resource
    * resources
    * responding
    * responsible
    * retrieve
    * returns
    * reverse
    * rgb
    * safest
    * sample
    * sanitized
    * saturated
    * scale
    * scanner
    * schema
    * scratchpad
    * scroll
    * search
    * see
    * segment have
    * selection
    * selector
    * semi
    * sensitivity
    * separate
    * separately
    * sequence
    * serialized
    * setting
    * shadows
    * shape
    * sheared
    * shininess
    * shop
    * shortcut
    * shortcuts
    * should
    * should not
    * shown
    * signal
    * signature
    * smoothing
    * sneakily
    * special
    * specified
    * splitted
    * standardized
    * standards
    * started
    * storyboards
    * strategies
    * strategy
    * strokes
    * structure
    * successful
    * successfully
    * sufficiently
    * symbolically
    * symmetric
    * synchronization
    * system
    * taken
    * temporary
    * terribly
    * testing
    * text editors
    * texture
    * than
    * thate
    * the
    * the angle
    * the current
    * the group
    * the update
    * them
    * themed
    * themselves
    * theoretical
    * there
    * third
    * threadsafe
    * threshold
    * through
    * throughout
    * thumbnail
    * thumbnails
    * timeline
    * timeout
    * is NXDOMAIN
    * title
    * toggle
    * toggled
    * toolbars
    * transferred
    * transform
    * transformation
    * transformations
    * transition
    * translate
    * translated
    * translation
    * triangular
    * triggered
    * truncate
    * types
    * unalign
    * understood
    * uninstall
    * unique
    * uniqueness
    * unless
    * unneeded
    * unordered
    * unquantized
    * unserialized
    * untag
    * unused
    * update
    * updates
    * used
    * useful
    * user
    * utilize
    * validation
    * values
    * variable
    * variables
    * version
    * vertical
    * virtual
    * virtue
    * visibility
    * visualization
    * waiting
    * warning
    * was finger painting
    * weight
    * weighting
    * when
    * which
    * widget
    * will
    * windows
    * wobbliness
    * work
    * work around
    * worked-around
    * wouldn't
    * wrapper
    * written
    * wrong
    * you
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJosh Soref <>