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Add macOS signer and notarizer

Julius Künzel requested to merge jlskuz/ci-notary-service:work/dmgsigner into master

This is a first draft of a DMG signer using as suggested by @bcooksley to work on non-apple hardware.

I basically copy and pasted the apksigner and made a few changes. Please note that this is completely untested. I am not part of the expensive Apple Developer Program and hence do not have the keys at hand to test this. I do have a mac thought to test the final results. Not sure how to proceed with this.

Open Questions:

  • Is there a way to verify the application id similar as we do in other signers? (On macOS this might be possible, but on Linux?)
  • Do we want to always notarize apps or should we make it possible to sign, but not notarize apps?

Related to #6 (closed)

Edited by Julius Künzel

Merge request reports