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fix ccbug + test + ci

Harald Sitter requested to merge sitter/gitlab-react:work/ccbug into master

ccbug triggers didn't work because it ran into problems at runtime with fixed being undefined in that scoped. use the correct var.

also cover both bugzilla triggers in somewhat daft and ugly test cases. we have no good (kde) examples for how we like to do unit testing in python so I'm going with what quick research yielded as useful - namely pytest and builtin mock for mocking stuff. it does feel a bit awkward compared to other languages though 🤷

also add test ci now that we have testing. this uses python:3.8 specifically because we target 3.8 in deployment exclusively

(reuse dep5 has been adjusted to cover all test fixtures under CC0 and remove the duplicated licensing of gitignore, gitignore has been extended a for some of the extra noise that might now appear when running tests on the working tree)

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