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Switch orbi to my mirror of the PHP PPA

Nicolás Alvarez requested to merge work/xenial-php into master

Many of our servers use this Ubuntu PPA to get current PHP packages:

However, orbi is still on Ubuntu Xenial, and that PPA doesn't have Xenial packages anymore. This means the PHP packages are not installable from the repository anymore. "apt reinstall php5.6-fpm" will fail, we can't rebuild orbi if it was needed, and we can't run the KDE Identity vagrant VM.

I mirrored the old xenial packages on my own server, and changed the php role to use it on orbi. I tested that this works on the vagrant VM. It shouldn't cause any functional change on the actual orbi server.

It's not ideal that this APT repository is on my server; any suggestions for where in KDE infra we could put it? Although this is temporary anyway, hopefully we'll upgrade orbi away from xenial soon enough...

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