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Check if identifier matches path leaf

Andrew Shark requested to merge work/ashark/verify_identifier into master

While after #18 (closed) it was meant that identifiers from outside the sysadmin, documentation and websites are corresponding to the project's repopath and projectpath leaf (the substring after last "/"), it appears this is not actually a case.

This mr adds a CI check for that. The current relevant errors are:

/plasma/kde-vdg-extras: ERROR - Project identifier is not equal to projectpath leaf: kde-vdg-extras playground/artwork/kde-xdg-extras
/neon/neon/repositories: ERROR - Project identifier is not equal to repopath leaf: neon-neon-repositories neon/neon/repositories
/neon/neon/repositories: ERROR - Project identifier is not equal to projectpath leaf: neon-neon-repositories neon/neon/repositories
/neon/docker-images: ERROR - Project identifier is not equal to repopath leaf: neon-docker-images neon/docker-images
/neon/docker-images: ERROR - Project identifier is not equal to projectpath leaf: neon-docker-images neon/docker-images
/unmaintained/brooklyn: ERROR - Project identifier is not equal to projectpath leaf: brooklyn playground/utils/brookyln

Merge request reports