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  • Ilya Bizyaev's avatar
    Swap "Open in New Window" and "Open in New Tab" in context menus · 402f7f30
    Ilya Bizyaev authored
    Since Dolphin's default behaviour became opening in new tabs rather than in new windows
    (a very positive change, in my opinion), I always find myself accidentally opening folders
    in new windows from the context menu. This is because in most browsers with tab workflow
    (e.g. Firefox, Chromium, Falkon) the top context menu action is opening in a new tab, and
    my muscle memory plays a bad trick :) I'm aware of middle-clicking, but I find it
    inconvenient with my touchpad.
    I suspect I'm probably not alone in that, so I think it makes sense to swap these actions
    in Dolphin to match widely used apps.
    Test Plan:
    Open Dolphin, right click folders in the main view and in the Places panel, ensure the
    actions are indeed swapped
    Reviewers: #vdg, ndavis, #dolphin, ngraham
    Reviewed By: #vdg, ndavis, #dolphin, ngraham
    Subscribers: ngraham, ndavis, kfm-devel
    Tags: #dolphin
    Differential Revision: