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  • Frank Reininghaus's avatar
    Try to avoid calling the model's data method if only "text" is needed · 8f7c3619
    Frank Reininghaus authored
    Currently, KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::itemSizeHint() calls the
    model's data(int) method for every single item, but the full data is
    actually only needed for the size calculation in Compact View. In
    Details View, no data is needed at all to determine the size required
    for the item, and in Icons View, only the name is needed.
    This patch makes it possible for subclasses of
    KStandardItemListWidgetInformant to provide an alternative way to
    obtain the "text", and implements this in the subclass
    The final goal is to achieve that the QHash which contains all data
    for a file item is only created if it is really needed, e.g., because
    the view needs access to the data for displaying the item on the
    REVIEW: 112253