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  • Nicolas Fella's avatar
    Use more human-readable sort order descriptions · 95270333
    Nicolas Fella authored
    Anecdotal evidence shows that ascending/descending regularly takes people longer to process than necessary. This patch implements more human-friendly sort order descriptions, in particular:
    A-Z/Z-A for text
    Newest first/oldest-first for time
    Lowest first/highest first for rating
    smallest first/largest first for sizes
    If there is no string for a particular role defined it will fall back to Ascending/Descending.
    I'm aware that not every language uses A-Z. In this case the translator can pick any string that represents the concept of text sorting
    Test Plan: Sort view in various ways
    Reviewers: #dolphin, #vdg, ngraham
    Reviewed By: #dolphin, #vdg, ngraham
    Subscribers: ngraham, kfm-devel
    Tags: #dolphin
    Differential Revision: