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  • Emmanuel Pescosta's avatar
    Replaced all KNewFileMenu usages in DolphinPart by DolphinNewFileMenu. · a4ef4bbf
    Emmanuel Pescosta authored
    Removed all signal-slot-connections related to DolphinNewFileMenu->errorMessage(QString)
    in DolphinMainWindow and DolphinContextMenu and replaced it by a better solution.
    Now we make use of the already existing DolphinNewFileMenuObserver singleton class to achieve a better
    error handling, because every newly created DolphinContextMenu instance registers himself by DolphinNewFileMenuObserver
    and we use this to connect the errorMessage(QString) signal of every DolphinContextMenu instance to the errorMessage(QString)
    signal of the DolphinNewFileMenuObserver singleton class.
    So we need only one connection from DolphinNewFileMenuObserver to DolphinMainWindow (or to DolphinPart) to
    collect all error messages thrown by every DolphinNewFileMenu instance.
    REVIEW: 112178