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  • Frank Reininghaus's avatar
    Prevent possible infinite recursion in ViewProperties · b4dc66e2
    Frank Reininghaus authored
    If each directory can have its own view properties, and loadting the
    .directory file fails in a directory, we have to load the global view
    properties. However, if we try to do this by changing the "global view
    properties setting" and loading the view properties for the same
    directory again, we might get an infinite recursion if changing the
    setting fails.
    We now force a loading of the global view properties by constructing a
    new ViewProperties object with an empty URL.
    Thanks to Kurt Hindenburg for helping to debug this issue (which was
    only reproducible on MacOS).
    BUG: 316209
    FIXED-IN: 4.10.5
    REVIEW: 111182