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  • Nathaniel Graham's avatar
    Also use standard keyboard shortcut for "show/hide hidden files" · b95cc590
    Nathaniel Graham authored and Nate Graham's avatar Nate Graham committed
    Use Ctrl+H as another keyboard shortcut to show and hide hidden files, as it is already the standard used in other GTK-based Linux file managers (Nautilus, Nemo, Caja, Thunar, Pantheon Files). This doesn't replace any existing shortcuts, so existing KDE users' muscle memory is retained.
    FEATURE: 390527
    FIXED-IN: KDE Applications 17.12.3
    Test Plan:
    - Ctrl+H now shows and hides hidden files
    - Alt+. still works to do the same
    - F8 still works to do the same
    - Toolbar button still changes state appropriately when any of the three shortcuts are used
    Reviewers: #dolphin, elvisangelaccio
    Reviewed By: elvisangelaccio
    Subscribers: emateli, elvisangelaccio
    Differential Revision: