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  • Frank Reininghaus's avatar
    Separate width and height info in the layouting code · e07468c7
    Frank Reininghaus authored
    By separating the width and height info, we can save some unnecessary
    overhead in terms of memory and CPU cycles, and make the calculation of
    the height of a row (or the width of a column in Compact View) a bit
    To achieve this, this patch extends the concept of "logical rows"
    (which are actually columns in Compact View) to "logical width" and
    "logical height" (which is the actual height and width, respectively, in
     Compact View). The distinction between rows/columns and "logical"
    rows/columns may be a bit confusing, but the confusion is already in the
    current code, and I hope that it will be mitigated a bit by prefixing
    the corresponding variables with "logical".
    REVIEW: 118454