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  • Emirald Mateli's avatar
    Change in "Open in new tab" feature in Dolphin · ec9f4ed1
    Emirald Mateli authored and Elvis Angelaccio's avatar Elvis Angelaccio committed
    This patch proposes a change to the "open in new tab" feature.
    The "open in new tab" feature will try to open selected items (files or folders) in a new tab, however, if there are no valid items to be opened in a new tab then nothing will happen, making it look like a bug. This patch adds the functionality that when there are no valid items(files or folders) to be opened in a new tab the current folder will be opened.
    Test Plan:
    1. Select a file(pdf, text, image etc) in Dolphin
    2. Click on the "Open in new tab" toolbar button
    Expected: since the file is not a valid target to open in a new tab, the current directory should be opened (as is the case where selection is empty)
    Actual: Nothing happens after the button is pressed
    Reviewed By: #dolphin, elvisangelaccio
    Differential Revision: