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  • Akseli Lahtinen's avatar
    Check if namejob is already being run before opening new createDirectory dialog · 742566eb
    Akseli Lahtinen authored and Felix Ernst's avatar Felix Ernst committed
    This is a fix for a bug where in network views (or otherwise slow
    systems), pressing `Ctrl+Shift+N` multiple times opens multiple popup
    windows and thus causes a crash when any of the popups is interacted
    with after closing the topmost one. The problem is not the crash with
    popups themselves, but that we're opening multiple popups in the first
    In regular views this works fine, since the `nameJob` does not take
    long time at all and only one popup opens, immediately blocking the
    In network views, the `nameJob` seems to take a while to run, since it
    is loading info from network. If user spams `Ctrl+Shift+N` shortcut in
    frustration, it starts more `nameJob`s and eventually when those jobs
    are done, it opens multiple popups.
    This code checks that if we're already running a `namejob`, we're very
    likely waiting for the `createDir` popup to appear, so we don't do
    anything until there is no more `nameJob` running. 
    I've tested that it works in both network and regular Dolphin views.