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Don't include `iconOverlays` in rolesData if it is empty

If this role isn't in the model yet, it would be QVariant::Invalid which is obviously a distinct type from an empty string list.

This means KFileItemModel::setData treats them non-equal and potentially does expensive operations on the model, which is called every time a role is resolved in KFileItemModelRolesUpdater.

With this change, the number of pointless layout calculations is significantly reduced.

Noticed that my Dolphin spent 4 ms on startup in KItemListView::slotItemsChanged because it thought every single item's "iconOverlays" had changed. With this change, it is around half a millisecond and genuinely only called for files with overlays (e.g. inaccessible ones with "emblem-locked")

Edited by Kai Uwe Broulik

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