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Show home folder if needed after unmounting mounted disk

Right now, when you unmount a device that the active view container is displaying, nothing in the view changes. As a result, it's possible to try to navigate to files or folders in that view, which cannot be done because the disk that the files or folders are located on has been unmounted!

With this commit, we detect that case and switch the active view container to show the home folder after the disk whose contents it is displaying gets unmounted.

This is a newer version of that addresses the concerns brought up there.

The MR uses and adds an implementation of DolphinMainWindow::setTabsToHomeIfMountPathOpen() which had a declaration in dolphinmainwindow.h but no implementation for some reason!

BUG: 158934 FIXED-IN: 20.12

Edited by Nate Graham

Merge request reports