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  • Halla Rempt's avatar
    CCBUG:375720 Disable the gradient map filter for filter layers · 2459d14e
    Halla Rempt authored
    This doesn't work currently because the gradient is stored in a
    problematic way in the filter config:
    With an absolute path, which makes the file non-portable
    Could not find gradient "C:/Users/GC/AppData/Roaming/krita/gradients/kC5644.svg"
    With a plain name
    Could not find gradient "skin1"
    Or apparently without any name, I guess for the autogenerated gradients
    Could not find gradient "C:/Users/GC/AppData/Roaming/krita/gradients\\.svg"
    To fix this properly, we will need to sit down and fix the resource system.