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  • Martin Flöser's avatar
    Splitting up of KWin's global D-Bus interface · 63734bd2
    Martin Flöser authored
    Two new interfaces are introduced:
    * org.kde.kwin.Compositing
    * org.kde.kwin.Effects
    The Compositing interface is generated from scriptable elements on the
    KWin::Compositor class and the Compositor is exported as /Compositor.
    It provides the general Compositing related D-Bus methods like whether
    the compositor is active and toggling and so on.
    The Effects interface is generated from scriptable elements on the
    KWin::EffectsHandlerImpl class and the instance is exported as /Effects.
    It provides all the effects related D-Bus methods like loading an effect
    or the list of all effects.
    This removes the need to have all these methods provided on the global
    org.kde.KWin interface. For backwards compatibility they are kept, but
    no longer provided by the Workspace class. Instead a new DBusInterface
    is generated which wrapps the calls and delegates it to one of our three
    related Singleton objects:
    * Workspace
    * Compositor
    * EffectsHandlerImpl