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  • Elvis Angelaccio's avatar
    Don't show comment message widget after clearing the comment view · 31b5501b
    Elvis Angelaccio authored
    The comment message widget is supposed to be visible after the user
    edits an existing comment. However the current logic makes it visible
    even after opening two archives with a comment in a row:
    1. The first time the message widget is hidden as expected, because it
       was explicitly hidden in the Part ctor and `m_commentBox->show()` in
       `slotShowComment()` still leaves it hidden.
    2. The second time, the message widget is breafly shown is
       `slotCommentChanged()` because `m_commentView->toPlainText()` is empty
       (it gets cleared before opening the second archive). The message
       widgets stays visibile because it's not hidden anywhere else.
    This patch fixes the issue by preventing that the message widget gets shown
    *without reason* in the first place.