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  • Ragnar Thomsen's avatar
    Improve error handling when loading plugins · 3fcd8425
    Ragnar Thomsen authored
    Previously, if Archive::create() failed to load a plugin, a QInputDialog
    was shown where the user could choose the mimetype of the archive. This
    was not suitable anymore, since mimetype detection is much better now
    and because we now try all registered plugins for a mimetype.
    New behavior: When a plugin fails to load, two different error messages
    can be shown:
    1. No suitable plugin was found.
    2. All suitable plugins failed to load.
    Because we (potentially) try to load different plugins, which can fail
    for different reasons (missing executables, broken plugin, etc.), error
    message 2 can not be made more specific.
    This was implemented by adding an alternative constructor for Archive
    which takes an error code. Part::openFile() then checks if an error
    message is found before continuing to load the interface, and if that is
    the case displays one of the the error messages.
    Differential Revision: D408