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  • David Faure's avatar
    Remember part URL to delete the tempfile even if the user used save as. · d412ca62
    David Faure authored
    Using the part URL at closing time is really dangerous: if the user used
    "save as" (e.g. for an embedded PDF), we'll be deleting the file that
    the user just saved!!
    BUG: 402529
    Test Plan:
    launch ARK and open a ZIP file containing a PDF, click on the PDF,
    an embedded viewer appears. From there, use "Save As..." to save the PDF
    somewhere on your local disk. Close the embedded viewer, close ark.
    It doesn't delete the saved file anymore.
    Reviewers: elvisangelaccio, broulik
    Reviewed By: elvisangelaccio
    Subscribers: kde-utils-devel, #ark
    Tags: #ark
    Differential Revision: