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  • Dominik Haumann's avatar
    Downloading syntax highlighting was removed in KTextEditor 5.50 · c0752322
    Dominik Haumann authored
    Downloading syntax highlighting files was removed in the
    KTextEditor Framework version 5.50. The reason for this is
    that the KTextEditor framework is released once a month, meaning
    that users who use latest KDE software usually anways have the
    most recent version. Other users who do not follow the latest
    development releases are likely not the target audience for
    downloading highlighting files.
    Besides that, there are technical problems with only updating
    certain highlighting files, since it can lead to an inconsistent
    state when one highlighting file needs another one that was not
    updated or does not exist, or also if a highlighting file needs
    a certain indenter that does not yet exist or contains bugs.
    In addition, we have a nice small cleanup in the UI, since we
    have now one button less.