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Addition to Kate symbol viewer plugin to support Julia source files and changes to the support for Python source files.

Good afternoon,

I would like to submit this merge request containing the following contributions to the Kate editor symbol viewer plugin:

  1. A symbol viewer for Julia source code, that identifies definitions of struct, macro, functions, and terse function definitions.
  • The viewer displays parameter annotations (when present).
  • Parameters need not be entered all on the same line (and a continuation character is not required).
  • When parameters are entered on multiple lines, in order to avoid long parameter lines in the viewer lists only the parameters present on the same line as the function definition are shown. The presence of additional parameters on subsequent lines is indicated by a continuation character (↵, or \carriagereturn, Unicode 021B5).
  1. Changes to the current symbol viewer for Python code, to allow the visualization of function definitions with:
  • annotated return types
  • parameters entered on multiple lines, WITHOUT the presence of the continuation character ('').

As for the Julia symbol viewer, in order to avoid long parameters list the Python symbol viewer shows only the parameters present on the same line as the function definition ('def' keyword). The presence of additional parameters on subsequent lines is indicated by a continuation character (↵, or \carriagereturn, Unicode 021B5).

Merge request reports