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Improve views closing in split view behaviour

Waqar Ahmed requested to merge work/improve-split-view-behaviour into master

Currently if you have a doc that has 2 views in 2 different splits:

A | A

and you close one of them, it closes the other as well. This behaviour is really non-intuitive and is very unexpected to say the least. To start with, no one asked kate to close the other view so it shouldn't auto close it.

Moreover suppose you have a viewspace with:


and you want to open a new split, the new split will open to the left of the current one resulting in: A | AB, instead of AB | A. This is the opposite of what any app does.

With this change, I am proposing a different solution:

  • If a doc has multiple views, only close the one that the user asked for in the current viewspace.
  • If the viewspace becomes empty, there is no need to refill it, close the viewspace. If this is the last viewspace, it remains open.
  • Lastly, when doing vertical split, open the new viewspace after the current one not before.

This behaviour is consistent with other editors and apps doing splits.

BUG: 344374

Merge request reports