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Workaround for minimum size not being kept when deactivating constants

Niklas Freund requested to merge nalquas/kcalc:work/resize_constants_fix into master

BUG: 448760

In my previous resizing support merge request (!24 (merged)), I made sure that any KCalc mode changes that happen at minimum window size result in the window resizing itself to the new minimum size. However, this turns out to not have worked in one specific case: Showing/Hiding the constants buttons.

Upon investigation of this issue, I noticed that minimumSize() isn't updating correctly after hiding of the buttons (and stays at the old minimumSize). Thus, the call to resize(minimumSize()) doesn't work.

I tried several things to fix this, including

  • Somehow using QApplication::processEvents() to make sure minimumSize is updated before I use it
  • Creating a helper function resizeToMinimum that's called deferred
  • Manual checking in resizeEvent
  • forcing several update events (updateGeometry, ...) before resizing to minimum

None of them worked, however I noticed that calling resize multiple times in a row resulted in the minimumSize being updated properly.

This is exactly what I use in this (somewhat stupid) workaround that fixes the issue.

Before After
2022-01-19_11-15-28 2022-01-19_11-17-24

Merge request reports