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  • Andrew Smith's avatar
    Allow small colour changes when varying dark backgrounds · 72368b71
    Andrew Smith authored and Kurt Hindenburg's avatar Kurt Hindenburg committed
    Black backgrounds don't get a (visible) random colour if "Vary the
    background colour" has been checked. This is because the only
    changes currently made aren't visible if the colour is black. Instead,
    if we get a black background allow a small change in the colour
    value so that the randomized colour is noticeable.
    BUG: 311263
    FIXED-IN: 18.12
    Test Plan:
    Create a new profile with a black background and the "Vary the
    background colour" option checked. Opening new tabs with this
    profile should produce tabs with slightly different background colours.
    Reviewers: #konsole, konsole-devel, hindenburg
    Reviewed By: #konsole, hindenburg
    Subscribers: #konsole, konsole-devel
    Tags: #konsole
    Differential Revision: