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  • Luis Javier Merino's avatar
    Update character widths to Unicode 15 · 7c508753
    Luis Javier Merino authored and Kurt Hindenburg's avatar Kurt Hindenburg committed
    Changes in width for new assigned characters.
    Summary of changes:
     # Characters count for each width:
     # -1:    2112
    -#  0:    2127
    -#  1:  927360
    -#  2:  182513
    +#  0:    2400
    +#  1:  927065
    +#  2:  182535
     # Ranges count for each width:
     # -1:       3
    -#  0:     349
    -#  1:     466
    +#  0:     360
    +#  1:     477
     #  2:     122
     +273 characters with width 0
     -295 characters with width 1
     + 22 characters with width 2