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  • Ahmad Samir's avatar
    Fix QDialogButtonBox connections in the edit profile dialog · c413d543
    Ahmad Samir authored
    KPageDialog already creates the accepted()/rejected() connections, since
    the code here created another connection, the accept() slot was being
    called twice for each OK button click, with e.g. the profile name empty,
    clicking Ok:
    - the first time isProfileNameValid() would return false, and the saving
      would abort, as it should
    - the second time around, isProfileNameValid() would return true since
      the name has been reverted to the original value in the Name line edit
    The same goes for the reject() slot.
    Also use a lambda instead of apply(), it's a very small method and this
    was the code is more readable, since we don't need to jump back and forth.