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  • Ahmad Samir's avatar
    Fix KXmlGUI toolbars; and Konsole MainWindow size · fb7f838f
    Ahmad Samir authored
    Call setupGUI(), which will call createGUI (since we set the
    KXmlGuiWindow::Create flag), omit the StatusBar flag since we don't have a
    statusbar and don't want the "Show StatusBar" menu action.
    TabbedViewContainer::sizeHint() calculates an optimum size for itself,
    including the sizes of its child widgets; added in efb621d0 by
    Mariusz Glebocki; following the code:
    MainWindow creates a ViewManager
    ViewManager creates a TabbedViewContainer and then a TerminalDisplay
    which means that the first time TabbedViewContainer::sizeHint() is called
    the TerminalDisplay widget size is 0, then TabbedViewContainer::sizeHint()
    would return 0.
    Which is why calling resize() in MainWindow was delayed to the showEvent(),
    (and even delayed more by a QTimer::singleShot() call in Application),
    at which point all the child widgets have been created and
    MainWindow::sizeHint() (which logically takes into account the sizeHint()
    of its child widgets) would return a sensible size.
    CCBUG: 430036
    CCBUG: 439339
    BUG: 436471
    (cherry picked from commit 09035666)