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  • Ahmad Samir's avatar
    Fix initial window size again; also always set Qt::WA_NativeWindow · fb7ff04d
    Ahmad Samir authored and Kurt Hindenburg's avatar Kurt Hindenburg committed
    The Qt::WA_NativeWindow attribute is need so that windowHandle() doesn't
    return 0, since windowHandle() is used in two places now in the code, just
    always set it.
    When rememberWindowSize() is false, override the Window-Maximized config
    key, which maximizes the window initially.
    To test:
    - unset "remember window size"
    - close the window and make sure the config has been saved to konsolerc
    - open konsole, keep the window unmaximized, close, open -> size is restored
    - open konsole, maximize the window, close, open, the window is maximized
      even when rememberWindowSize() is false