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Changed 'Defaults' texts on reset buttons to 'Reset'

In the UI of Konsole, when editing a keyboard setting of a profile, there is a 'Defaults' button, which resets everything back to an initial state. However, 'Reset' covers its purpose more intuitively, in line with the KDE guideline on intuitiveness and ease of use. Also, the original can be misinterpreted as: 'Make this the new defaults'. Hence the change.

Screenshot of what its about: konsole_defaults_button

NOTE: THIS IS NOT TESTED! However, given its a text-only change from the result of a simple grep, it should not break anything. Also, I did not want to setup the entire KDE develeopment environment for a trivial change such as this. And it could also be that other locations/programs could benefit from this change, but I don't know about them.

PS: My first contribution to open source, yay! :)

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