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Handle urls with non-empty ID-part

Adriaan de Groot requested to merge work/adridg/fix-url-reading into master

To test, you need the attached sample output from a bison run. This is with a bison that supports GNU libtextstyle and has colorized output enabled.


You can cat the file in konsole. It displays a warning message, and documents that this is because of -Wdeprecated. Take a look with od -c to see that there is a URL embedded there. If you go to Settings -> Edit Current Profile -> Mouse -> Miscellaneous tab, you can click the Allow escape sequences for links feature. Cat the file again and when you hoven over -Wdeprecated it is a link. You can ctrl-click on it to open the link (which is not user-visible before opening, so the security warning mentioned in the settings dialog is relevant).

Without the patch, this URL format isn't recognized because there is an id-part in the escape sequence (e.g. konsole assumes \e ] 8 ; ; <url>). With the patch, it is.

Merge request reports
