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Let ECM modules not shadow our own modules


ECM introduces an own FindTaglib module for ECM 5.72 (frameworks/extra-cmake-modules!6 (merged)), which is not compatible with KRename's one when it comes to variables exposed. As result KRename's build breaks because e.g. taglib headers are not found, due to TAGLIB_INCLUDES not being set (ECM's name is Taglib_INCLUDE_DIRS).

Alternatively to this change the module of KRename could also be updated to the one of ECM, and have some separate cmake/ecm-fallback-modules folder where the module is placed to support building with older ECM versions, and set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH like this:

set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/ecm-fallback-modules")

In any case, released KRename 5.0 and ECM 5.72 will not blend, so some 5.0.1 with a fix will be needed.

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