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Move to kf6 + fixes

Alex Bikadorov requested to merge work/kf6 into master

Based on

And containing own fixes:

  • Fix percent signal of various jobs not connected; affected jobs:
    • preview job
    • file operation jobs in job manager
    • file split and merge jobs

Caused warnings

warning qt.core.qobject.connect unknown@0 # QObject::connect: No such signal KrPreviewJob::percent(KJob *, ulong) in ...

  • Fix wrong position of file drop menu in Wayland (in detailed view, brief view and tree side panel)
  • Fix click on system tray does not toggle window state (same bugfix in KTorrent -> network/ktorrent!114 (merged))
    • In multi-monitor setup in Wayland the window is restored always on the primary screen, even when the window was shown on secondary screen before hiding it. KTorrent shows the same bug, so I think it is better to solve this in the framework.
  • Fix file filter of import and export dialog for user actions
  • Fix file conflict dialogs not shown in Synchronizer
  • Fix "Bring Main Window to Top" action not working in Wayland
  • Speed up loading mount point entries in MountMan
  • Fix crash on (any) action in toolbar context menu (in mainwindow and KrViewer)
  • Fix delay and "fatal" log message when quitting with open embedded terminal

FIXED: [ 486731 ] Krusader is unable to create thumbnails for pdf and other document/book formats and video formats appear as a static image instead of creating a preview for them BUG: 486731

FIXED: [ 485225 ] Krusader issue with mime types after P6 update BUG: 485225

FIXED: [ 488241 ] Export and compress entry in context menu is missing BUG: 488241

FIXED: [ 485865 ] Sharing from Krusader results in “org.kde.kdeconnect” is not installed error BUG: 485865


  • 1. Merge this MR
  • 2. Inform users and package maintainers via Krusader mailing lists
  • 3. Let translation team merge sysadmin/repo-metadata!433
Edited by Alex Bikadorov

Merge request reports