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  • Christoph Roick's avatar
    Reenable navigation inside QtDocumentation · 4e02a129
    Christoph Roick authored
    - updating a web page using `QtWebEnginePage::load()`
      in `StandardDocumentationView`does not seem to work for the
      Qt documentation pages and only using a new widget does the job
    - adding a url to the documentation history when showing a page now
      is the default, which reverts 3f7a93af
    - requires similar changes in kdev-php
    BUG 393445
    Test Plan:
    - navigate in Qt documentation between different classes (QString->QChar for example)
    - navigate in manpages
    - navigate in PHP documentation (with changes applied to kdev-php)
    Reviewers: apol
    Reviewed By: apol
    Subscribers: apol, kdevelop-devel
    Tags: #kdevelop
    Differential Revision: