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including generate_pages script

LaKademy website

This website uses a simple HTML render script to generate pages for each edition of the event.

Creating a new edition page

To create a new edition, you will need to include its respective .toml inside of the editions folder.


edition_code = 'lakademy20'
edition_name = 'LaKademy 2020'
edition_year = '2020'
edition_logo_path = 'images/ArteLakademy2020.png'
edition_group_photo = 'images/GroupPhoto2020.png'
edition_location = '' # Location coordenates
edition_summary_pt = '' # Edition summary in Portuguese
edition_summary_en = '' # Edition summary in English
edition_summary_es = '' # Edition summary in Spanish
edition_info_pt = '' # Edition information in Portuguese (can be HTML or plain text)
edition_info_en = '' # Edition information in English
edition_info_es = '' # Edition information in Spanish


make setup


make run

Merge request reports