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  • Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen's avatar
    Reset entry to updateable when no payload is identified for updating · 5e288f61
    Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen authored
    As identified by Piotr in the bug mentioned below, Discover simply
    returns an invalid response for any Question forwarded to it. The result
    is that any update which fails to identify an update automatically will
    fail due to not having payload which should be used for updating identified.
    This patch fixes part of the issue, by resetting the entry for which no
    payload could be identified to Updateable rather than leaving it in
    limbo as Updating.
    This does not fix the bug in Discover, but it does at least alleviate
    the issue (it still leaves entries in Discover, rather than updating
    them, but without having a way to forward that question to the user,
    there's not a lot to be done about that other than output an error
    message with instructions to use the GHNS dialog to do that particular
    update, which of course is not exactly up to par... so, not closing the
    bug with this, the issue in Discover still needs sorting out... somehow).