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  • nicole mazzuca's avatar
    [vcpkg manifest] Add documentation! (#13488) · 0fec1340
    nicole mazzuca authored
    * [vcpkg docs] add docs for manifest files
    These are just for the maintainer docs,
    not user docs.
    * [vcpkg] EBNF-ify platform expression parsing
    this modifies nothing about what strings are accepted or rejected,
    it just moves stuff around.
    also adds tests.
    * [vcpkg docs] add manifest mode example
    * [wip] docs for augustin
    also fix tabs
    * [vcpkg manifest] switch to using maps for features
    * Apply suggestions from code review
    * un-experimentize format-manifest
    * flesh out the user manifest mode docs
    * CRs
    * billy CRs
    * final personal pass-thru