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Display last move instantaneously

This is the last merge request to fix bugs 407244 and 380462. In merge request !4 (merged) i said, there would be two more patches coming, but I decided to put both into a single merge request. Otherwise, either the first would have been incomplete (several warnings in test suite remaining) or the second merge request would have been tiny. If I should rather split this merge request into smaller pieces, please let me know.

The merge request finalizes the bug fix. After this commit is merged, when a game is over:

  1. The last piece is moved to the correct location.
  2. The piece is moved instantaneously.
  3. The new piece which could no longer be placed, causing the game to be lost, is also drawn.

It should look like this:


Additional work is done to add tests. This required some minor refactoring.

I have also tested this manually:

  1. Playing several single-player games, switching difficulty and themes.
  2. Playing against the AI - winning and losing games.

BUG: 407244

Merge request reports