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Draft: Proof-of-concept patch for threaded openGL texture uploading

Hi, @ivany!

Could you please test this patch on OSX? The test plan in the follwoing:

  1. Build Krita with this patch

  2. Before creation of the image, go to Preferences->Display and disable "Use texture buffers" checkbox.

  3. Create an image of 5000x5000

    Check the debugging output, I'm interested in the two lines that look like that:

    [10296] Entering "KisOpenGLCanvas2::initializeGL()" d->uploaderContext->isValid() = true
    [10296] Entering "KisOpenGLCanvas2::initializeGL()" QOpenGLContext::supportsThreadedOpenGL() = false
  4. Make sure that View->Instant Preview is disabled.

  5. Try to paint something. It shouldn't crash. If it doesn't have any artifacts, it is perfect ;)

  6. Try to do extremely quick strokes on the canvas and check for the "bended lines" problem.

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