Fix asserts when using touch alongside the stylus on the touch-capable laptops
Thatt should fix this bug that blocks the Steam release:
Test Plan
Touch while stylus stroke
- Start a stylus/mouse stroke, don't release the button
- Do a tap or two-finger tap or tap+drag to activate a touch action
- No assert should happen, the tablet action should continue
- Repeat for Left and Middle mouse/tablet buttons
Stylus stroke while touch action
- Start a touch stroke (e.g. Pan or Zoom)
- Try to perform a stylus action
- No assert should happen, the touch action should continue
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for "native gestures" if you are using MacOS or Android (I have no idea what these actions are)
Focus-out while touch action 0) Open another app in parallel to Krita
- Start a touch stroke (e.g. Pan or Zoom)
- Focus-out while touch is still in progress (e.g. with Alt+Tab)
- No assert should happen, the action should either auto-end or continue (depending on the OS and windows layout)
Repeat step 4 for "native gestures" if you are using MacOS or Android
Reactivation of a secondary action after touch-end
- Press Ctrl to preactivate color picker (without tablet/mouse press)
- Start a touch action (e.g. Pan or Zoom) (while keeping Ctrl pressed)
- End the touch action (while keeping Ctrl pressed)
- [known issue] move the mouse cursor to make the cursor update
- The color picker should still be preactivated
- Press stylus/mouse to start color picking
- No assert should happen, color picking should start normally