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  • Thiago Sueto's avatar
    Initial Dox changes · 6e791a9f
    Thiago Sueto authored
    This MR:
    * changes parts of the README to be more useful for whoever visits the repository
    * adds a basic Mainpage.dox for whoever visits the API page
    * add an examples/ folder containing the tutorial example
    The documentation for FormTextDelegate is not generated because of the following error:
    ERROR:root:Failed to parse /home/blumen/gitstuff/kirigami-addons/src/mobileform/FormTextDelegate.qml
    ERROR:root:Lexer error line 55: Expected token of type 'element', got 'char' instead
        signal linkActivated(link: string)
    For AboutPage, it seems like Doxyqml thinks there might be an extraneous `}` ? But that's definitely not the case.
    ERROR:root:Failed to parse /home/blumen/gitstuff/kirigami-addons/src/mobileform/AboutPage.qml
    ERROR:root:Lexer error line 382: Unexpected token: Token(type='block_end', value='}', idx=14462)
    For DatePicker this is expected because it isn't documented yet.