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Performace improvements for timeline

Shubham Arora requested to merge shubhamarora/tokodon:performace_timeline into master

I have observed a substantial improvement with shubhamarora/tokodon@63deb2ed in touch and touch pad scrolling. The scrollbar doesn't jump around and changes size. (not a lot) Scrolling is much smoother.

In commit shubhamarora/tokodon@39702146 I have set a cacheBuffer for listview. According to QT docs this is not exactly recommended as it just hides the performance issues but is a short term fix. I am open to not including it and only cherry picking the first commit.

Other solutions looked into:

  1. Setting media container images to load with asynchronous: true. Helps a little with perceived performance but completely breaks the full screen image viewer
  2. Using reuseItems in listView. This looks like a proper solution as it is comparable to Jetpack Compose's LazyColumn on android however this breaks the loading new items for me after initial load. I still looking into this.

Merge request reports